Kamis, 12 April 2018

Network Marketing Is the Secret Ingredient of Multi-Level Marketing

Network Marketing Is the Secret Ingredient of Multi-Level Marketing

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fd/92/8f/fd928ff1662a5abecafc950619e1ed50.jpg

What is network marketing?

Network Marketing is another type of direct marketing. It is widely concerned with sales network of an organization than sales itself.

The networker mainly starts to develop his or her own business before helping other company associates to create their own business, as a franchisor.

Indifference, in Network Marketing each independent company owner can start new network businesses, but with little fiscal investigations and without risk. However, franchising is one when one company opens new branches.

The Three Pillars of Succeeding in Network Marketing are:

Leverage (of Money and Time)
Residual income

The MLM (Multi-level Marketing), network marketing, both, refer same business, model. While many close minded individuals outside the sector (and other people who have attempted it and failed), have biased or negative erroneous feelings. And despite the fact, it is used and exploited by many criminals and con artists, this business model has exceptional performance possibility.

There are bad apples in every group, and this sector has more than its share. But it might produce significant results in the event you realize the best way to discover the right company. Also to optimize your potential, there are several comfortable notions whose comprehension is essential for your success.

How to make your network marketing work?

Often people ask this question, here is a quick glimpse of critical areas that must be worked proactively to move forward your network marketing framework.

1. Decision

How do I go about discovering a network marketing company that can satisfy my needs? How can I be certain, I am selecting the right business? How do I determine up front if I will get the assistance and support to develop my business and move it forward? These are perfectly valid questions; additionally these are the issues you should ensure you possess the answers to before taking the plunge into the entrepreneurial world. One thing you need to understand is you will be eventually the one who is going to function as a real key to your success.

2. Opportunity

The fact is network marketing could be an extremely rewarding strategy to get a supplementary income. Additionally, if one is committed to building a business, it can be an important instrument in enhancing one's complete financial status.

A network marketing company could be life-altering for those who possess the desire, commitment and dedication to making it work. If you are consistent enough to persevere in your efforts, it is even possible to realize financial independence through network marketing. You are the one that must decide on where you need to go in life, and it is also your responsibility to formulate a roadmap that will get you there. The best network marketing company could function as the vehicle that drives one to financial success!

3. Product

Research your options before becoming involved with any network marketing enterprise! You need to select goods or an item that you are enthusiastic about and believe in. The products must be for that there is a higher demand, and something people prefer. If the products are consumable, where customers come back month after month to repurchase them, it is going to accelerate and stabilize your accomplishment. Now, that is what develops "RESIDUAL INCOME".

4. Setting Goals

Another thing to do will be to establish some goals on your own. 90 days? 6 months? 1 year? The aim of the targets would be to keep you on a course and to move forward. They provide you a road map to follow to develop your company. And, remember, it is possible to update and revise these targets anytime.

On final note

Network marketing is a brilliant instrument that will significantly enhance as well as alter your life. In case you choose to join the amazing realm of network marketing, be sure to treat it as a small business and much less a hobby. You must acquire the mindset that this is a company that could become your future lifeline and should you take it seriously.

Need of the hour

Need of the hour

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/ashokleylandhosurii-091112053804-phpapp01/95/conserve-water-need-of-the-hour-presented-by-ashok-leyland-4-728.jpg?cb=1258004299

Well, we are all hearing about global warming these days very frequently. This global warming is the effect of increased concentration of GHG (Green House Gases) due to burning of fossil fuels & deforestation.

The temperature difference between the last Ice Age and now is about 5 Celsius. Average world temperatures rose by 0.7 Celsius in the 20th century, according to the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Global average temperature is forecast to rise 4C (7.2F) toward the end of the 21st century, and this is a mere 90 years away. Even if began today, and stopped most of our greenhouse gas emissions overnight, we would still see a temperature rise of around 2C (3.6F) by 2090-2100.

Scientists are warning us to take precautionary steps; to keep the average global temperature not more than 2 degree celsius above pre-industrial levels. Otherwise, millions of people would be exposed to increased stress on water supplies, according to the IPCC in its last major report in 2007, based on research by 2,500 experts. It says more people would suffer from malnutrition, some infectious diseases and there would be more deaths from heat waves, floods and droughts. Up to 30 percent of species of animals and plants would be at increasing risk of extinction. Coral reefs would be damaged. Cereals production would decline in tropical areas but, in one benefit, would improve nearer the poles. Coasts would suffer increased damage from floods and storms. Anything more would be "dangerous" for life on the planet. Many environmental groups also have the same target. Small island states, which fear being wiped off the map by rising sea levels, say that dangerous impacts will start at a rise of only 1.5 Celsius.

Now, the global temperature is changing drastically at a rapid pace and we are becoming the victim of it. But, global leaders are just playing the politics which is very much visible by the recent Copenhagen summit. Kyoto Protocol is coming to end in the year 2012 but, no binding agreements have been entered by the global leaders to evade the unforeseen results of global warming.

Developed countries in the west are the clear spoilers of all this effects. They did not take environmental costs into account for their rapid industrial growth and development and now its the turn of developing countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) which are following the same foot steps. Both developed and developing countries are not ready to take any financial steps to evade this. If this politics continues we are going to end up lives on this earth.

There is a direct co-relation between the increase in GDP, energy usage and global warming. World GDP is growing at the rate of 2 to 4% p.a. World oil & gas reserves will last for 43 years & 58 years respectively based on the present level of consumption. After that we will end up in wide mis-match of energy supply and demand.

Now, its the hour of renewables. Renewables such as solar, wind, hydro etc. are the immediate requirements of the hour to stop the global warming and cope up with the depleting fossil fuels.

We have plenty of renewable energy sources which could supply the whole world energy requirements without any replenishment. It is estimated that MENA (Middle East and North Africa) area itself having solar capacity to supply three times the whole world energy present demand.

Then what is stopping in using these resources is the common question which evolves. The rough estimate of installing a MW of Thermal based power is 4 crores; while wind energy is 6 crores and solar energy is 8 crores (All in INR). This finance economics is what disrupting in putting up solar and wind power stations. It should be remembered that man is the creator of this world and developments. With the increase in usage and research in these fields would make these to compete with the non-renewables as it is evident from the decrease in the wind power cost in the past decade. All that is needed from global leaders is good and encouraging political support for the renewables. At present so, much push has been given by the global governments for the renewables but, this is not enough to keep the global temperature within the ceilings.

Forest covers shall be increased and environmental costs shall be levied on the use of fossil fuels to boost up the renewables. India has recently come up in their budget of levying INR 50 per tonne as the clean energy cess on coal produced or imported into India. Of course this is not enough and will not solve all the problems which India is facing now but, its the first step in making renewables more usable and competitive.

At present, world electricity production is 19.25 trillion kWh (2007 est.) and its growing at a much pacer rate than the increase in growth rate of world GDP. We shall harness all the renewables to boost up the world economy and to have a better life on this earth by getting rid of the global warming.

We need countries like Abu Dhabi, who are very much committed to renewable energies even if they are pretty much rich with fossil fuel resources. Established in April 2006, Masdar (the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company) is a multi-faceted company advancing the development, commercialization and deployment of renewable energy solutions and clean technologies. Masdar integrates the full renewable and clean technology lifecycle - from research to commercial deployment with the aim of creating scalable clean energy solutions. And initiatives like the worlds first zero-carbon city are being built in Abu Dhabi and are designed to be not only free of cars and skyscrapers but also powered by the sun.

Another interesting fact about the consumption of meat and its impact on increased global temperature. The 400 page United Nations report has identified the growing herds of cattle / goats / pigs / sheep / chickens as the greatest threat to the climate.
Methane is one of the green house gases which is causing this global warming. Its an easy problem to deal with. It is produced from 4 main sources livestock and livestock manure, rice farming, coal mining and landfills. In all the international treaties that have come and are coming like the one in Copenhagen, the developing world has tried its best to keep methane out of the debate. And they have succeeded because the west is justifiably guilt ridden about their carbon dioxide emissions. But the time has come for both the developed and developing world to recognize that reducing methane is the quickest way to stop global warming.

Methane concentrations have doubled in the last century and by now they are 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions. While carbon dioxide emissions have increased by 31% during the past 200 years, methane has increased by 149%. What makes methane so lethal is that it may be less than carbon dioxide but it is 23 times more efficient in trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Methane has a large effect for a brief period (8.4 years in the atmosphere), whereas carbon dioxide has a small effect for a long period. That means if we stop generating methane today, we will see the effect almost immediately.

The methane emissions for India, China and Brazil have doubled since 1990 and are expected to go up by 40% by 2020. There is only one reason and it is not an increase in coal mining or in landfills. It is because these countries grow animals for meat and milk.

In developing countries, the number of people eating meat and the amount they are eating every year has risen steadily. Between 1970 and 2002, annual per capita meat consumption in developing countries rose from 11 kilograms to 29 kilograms, according to the FAO. In developed countries, it has risen from 65 kilos to over 100 kilos. The annual global meat production will double from 229 million tons in 2000 to 465 million tons in 2050.

Livestock produce 23% of all methane because the fermentation in their intestines produces methane gas in the animals and their manure. A single dairy cow produces between 550-700L of methane a day
The worlds top destroyer of the atmosphere is not the car or the factory it is the meat eating human. And this monster is on the rise.

A meat eater contributes 1.5 tonnes more of greenhouse gases per year than a vegetarian. This means that our diet change will make more difference than if we replace our standard petrol car for an efficient hybrid car, which reduces annual greenhouse emissions by roughly one ton a year. Indias livestock of roughly 485 million contributes more to global warming than our vehicles - 11.75 million metric tons per year up from 9 million metric tons in 1994.

These cattle, pigs and sheep, chicken, goats did not want to be born we created them. They do not want to be killed but we kill them to eat. In the process, we are killing the planet. Their wind and manure are warming the world 23 times faster than carbon dioxide.
Be aware of the facts about global warming; educate our friends and fellows. Let us save our planet.

Murali Kashyap
Helsinki, Finland

Rabu, 11 April 2018

NCO Financial

NCO Financial

Image source: http://pcsdebtrelief.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/nco-financial-debt-negotiation.jpg

Most collection agencies take the "vulture" approach. They scavenge on poor folks trying to stay afloat, but have been unable to remit payments for any variety of reasons. They employ debt-collecting methods that are not only unethical; they are downright disrespectful.

Many other, almost all, other collection agencies take the "vulture" approach. They harass poor folks who are going through hard times and are just trying to stay afloat financially. They employ debt-collecting methods that are not only unethical; they are downright disrespectful.

On the other side of the coin, NCO may just be different. Of course, they still are going to be diligently after debtors to pay up, but maybe in a more civil manner. They certainly claim to be concerned about the well-being of their targeted debtors. Still, they, like any profit-generating business, are most probably far more concerned with the overall contentment of their clientele. There's nothing incorrect about that. A business is created to generate profit and the more the better.

NCO is happy to serve the following industries:

- Utilities; - Retail; - Financial Services; - Technology; - Telecommunications; - Education; - Government; - Commercial/B2B; - Insurance; - Cable; - Healthcare; - Transportation; - and any other interested.

Of course, NCO is not that much different from the average collection agency; they just disguise them much more effectively. NCO is a multi award-winning corporation that has earned the privilege to call themselves an industry leader. They consistently outperform many similarly-based organizations, yet do so in apparently respectful style.

Unlike many other collection agencies, NCO is international. They have headquarters in 9 different countries. They maintain over 140 locations and over 30,000 employees. They are simply the largest organization of their type on the planet and their stellar reputation for effective practice and excellent customer service are the primary catalyst for this.

NCO goes on and on concerning their stellar performance standards and it is all probably well-founded. But, for the average consumer with debt problems, NCO is still a not a pleasure to do business with. As with any collection agency, NCO has plenty negative consumer reviews and lawsuits. However, considering the sheer volume of their business, they apparently offend consumers far less often than their vulture-based competition.

Contact Information for NCO:

United States Systems, Inc. 507 Prudential Road Horsham, PA 19044 (800) 220-2274 (215) 441-3000 (800) 550-9619 - Consumer Hotline (866) 269-8669 - Consumer Hotline Fax

Canada Services Inc. 75 Port Royal East, Suite 240 Montreal, Quebec H3L 3T1 General Inquiries: (514) 385-4444

Sales: (905) 819-4270

United Kingdom

NCO Europe Ltd. Old Docks House Watery Lane Preston, England PR2 1AU 01772 765000

Jumat, 06 April 2018

Microsoft Dynamics NAV for Ledger Highlights

Microsoft Dynamics NAV for Ledger Highlights

Image source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uqZGR74BVXk/maxresdefault.jpg

The NAV has the General Ledger module which helps handle various aspects of Ledger in the Financial Domain. How does Microsoft Dynamics NAV impact General Ledger?

1. The enterprise resource planning system streamlines routine accounting processes with automated financial processes.
2. It enables the company to exercise stronger control on its Finances by integrating data and through intelligent transaction processing.
3. It offers robust analytical and reporting capabilities, which help reduce time and effort usually spent on accounting tasks.
4. It helps monitor the companys fiscal performance and also meet business and regulatory requirements.
5. Microsoft Dynamics Navision has a very intuitive user interface that can be customized to handle the most common tasks.
6. The personnel of the organization get to take better decisions based on real-time data. The solution offers powerful analytical capabilities and robust reporting services that help monitor performances, identify trends and solve problems.
7. Business can be done internationally with the softwares flexible accounting processes and its multi-language and multi-currency capabilities.
8. The core Financial Data of the entire organization can be centralized through the software. This includes actual, budgetary and average balances within a single ledger. A single posting process ensures effortless synchronization of summary balances for up-to-the-minute data.
9. The enterprise resource planning system helps achieve comprehensive financial transparency through integrated systems, shared data and drill down capabilities.

Navision features various functionalities which strengthen its case as most preferred ERP to handle tasks related to General Ledger.

1. Intercompany Transactions: These help define multiple intercompany relationships between parent and partner. These also help distribute purchase order costs directly to subsidiaries.
2. Interfund Accounting: This functionality reduces errors associated with manual reconciliation of funds. It also helps transfer balances smoothly between accounts.
3. The XBRL Support functionality helps distribute financial information over the internet and further helps simplify reporting across multiple formats.
4. The solution helps companies create detailed budgets with a clean breakdown of every general ledger account and also of every total in the chart of accounts. Once the budget has been created, actual balances can be printed and variances shown by percentage.
5. The solution helps filter budgets by up to four dimensions, in order to create sub budgets that match the organizational structure. It also helps assign multiple dimensions to identify financial information such as product, sales region and time period to further analyze better and correlate performances.
6. MS Dynamics NAV for General Ledger helps leverage these dimensions to create complex account schedules. The solution helps improve reporting with advanced options for selecting what to display in both row as well as column combinations.
7. It automates transactions with respect to general, recurring and auto-reversing entries. It enables the end user to post frequent transactions to ones general ledger through a recurring journal.
8. It creates a flexible user environment, one in which numerous journals can be accommodated each having its separate document series.
9. It helps out with detailed audit trails which help comply with financial regulations via easy data tracking. Besides, every entry gets assigned an entry number as well as a transaction number when posted to an account or a source code or reason code or user ID.
10. Companies into General Ledger get to do some highly intelligent transaction posting, which involves checking journal balances before posting entries and seeing how entries affect liquid accounts.
11. NAV offers functionalities for Foreign Trade and Currency Management, which help conduct business using a huge number of currencies. Companies can manage customer as well as vendor accounts in a foreign currency and maintain general ledger in different currencies.
12. NAV for General Ledger features never before seen security functionalities, which help guard financial data with role based access rights to information.

Kamis, 05 April 2018

Merrill Lynch

Merrill Lynch

Image source: https://dunked.cdn.speedyrails.net/assets/prod/78863/p1bcv79accshd10fpjp110bi1lkn7.png

1. Given the changes that have occurred in the international capital markets during the past decade, does s strategy of expanding internationally make sense? Why? In a couple past decades the world has become a smaller place especially in the sense of communication and ability to conduct business internationally. With the emergence of new technologies managing and controlling has become easier than ever before, thus allowing companies to go global introducing their services and products in various countries. Not only technical assistance gave such a rise to multinational businesses but also international policies of countries that were closed before for foreign investment. For instance countries such as Japan and former Soviet Union have opened their markets for big companies from the United States and other economically developed countries.

2. What factors make Japan a suitable market for to enter? The fact of s leading position in the States and its acquisition of the leading mutual funds companies of economical giants such as Britain and Canada have made it possible at least theoretically to enter Japanese market. On the other hand it didnt consider national buying characteristics and regulations over financial service industry. However the removal of number of restrictions and allowing Japanese people to purchase foreign bonds and stock in the mid 1990 had made Japanese market suitable for entrance and establishment of foreign capital. Moreover their government understood the necessity of new blood in countrys economy which would be donated by foreign companies to enhance competition and bring in more funds.

3. Review s 1997 reentry into the Japanese private client market. Pay close attention to the timing and scale of entry and the nature of the strategic commitments is making in Japan. What are the potential benefits associated with this strategy? What are the costs and risks? Do you think the tradeoff between benefits and risks and costs makes sense? Why? The first attempt of to enter Japanese market failed as their market was not regulated to accept international players. In 1997 however the situation changed under the WTO agreement for the better allowing foreign firms to sell financial services to their national investors. Regarding their previous experience they were hesitating to enter Japanese market but it was clear that this time things have changed with open market and huge amount of assets owned by Japanese households were too attractive to miss such opportunity. It was perfect timing for as there were only few other foreign competing companies and their prior experience in private client market made it even more suitable. The bankruptcy of Yamaichi Securities in 1997 was a perfect circumstance for American company to start entering Japanese market. They first considered a joint venture that would allow minimum spending as they had a chance to use already existing distribution system of a known Japanese bank. On the other side they didnt see their presence on the market due to this venture in the long run thus they reconsidered this deal and were lucky to hire workers and buy Yamaichis branch offices in 1997. definitely won in this situation when establishing their companys position on the market without reporting and coordinating their moves with another Japanese company. The risk they took when working on their own paid off very quickly and significantly to their benefit, regarding enormous value of the assets held by the company.

Melaleuca Wellness Distributor Success Training

Melaleuca Wellness Distributor Success Training

Image source: http://slideplayer.com/247069/1/images/1/Retailing+and+Customer+Follow+Up+How+to+build+a+Customer+Base.jpg

Melaleuca success is about teamwork. To not train your team properly is a cardinal sin that can only result in poor results. Considerable and lasting outcomes are what you want and the means to achieve them is by training your team in a way that develops positive growth.. New MLM marketers are led to believe that simply recruiting your warm market friends and family is sufficient to build a good income. The fact is it takes more than a few friends to make you rich in network marketing and Melaleuca Wellness is no exception.

The Melaleuca compensation plan works in two ways. Firstly you earn commissions on selling Melaleuca products and by recruiting a downline and earning residual income through the downline matrix. Given the structure of Melaleuca Wellness you need to consider how and where your income is made and make sure you allocate your time and efforts appropriately to maximise the wealth opportunities your Malaleuca Wellness business presents.

The most important message you should take away from this article is that when you're training your new downline members, you need to learn to have a balance between your product business and team mentoring. Without a calculated apportionment of your time to the core money making activities of your business you're not going to acheive the lasting financial success you are seeking. While you can make a good monthly income distributing Melaleuca products the key to long term residual income success in any MLM is to build your downline. Here are 3 tips to help you stay focused on your core business objectives and train your Melaleuca team at the same time.

Melaleuca Training Tip 1.The money is in leveraging the efforts of others. Recruiting a big a team gives you a network of geographic outlets for your products giving you much greater market spread than is possible through your own efforts. Focus 80% of your efforts on personally sponsoring new Melaleuca distributors. Your team will follow what you. If your spending the bulk of your time recruiting so will your team. This is what you require to make your business work.

Melaleuca Training Tip 2. Focus 18% of your time on training new distributors. Always focus your training on downline building first, product marketing second. Dont get caught up giving all your business building time to your reps You need to take control of your time management. An easy way to do this is to schedule designated times when you will be available. This way you can ensure that your team are getting the essential training and support needed to understand the details of the business, while giving you the ability to focus your efforts on developing the lifeblood of Melaleuca, sponsoring new distributors.

Melaleuca Training Tip 3.Focus only 2% of your time on the finer details of the business and outsource everything else to the customer service team at Melaleuca. This afford you the freedom to focus on business building and making money.

Always ensure that 98% of all of your energy is focused on activities that are productive for your business, activities that contribute to improving your bottom line. Creating long term residual income success with Melaleuca is about leading by example, being productive yourself and training your distributors to do the same.

Max Out Your Financial Aid Get Your FAFSA Done Early

Max Out Your Financial Aid Get Your FAFSA Done Early

Image source: http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2016-01-15-1452830239-6533156-fafsachecklist.gif

Several schools are seeing a record-breaking number of college applications this year, The New York Times reported today, with the competition for open spots more fierce than ever. An increased demand for admission can mean increased demand for financial aid, so if you need money from grants and student loans to help pay for college, the earlier you can submit your application for financial aid, the better.

It may not be on your list of favorite things to do, but getting your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) filled out and submitted is a must if you want to qualify for federal need-based financial aid like Pell grants, Perkins loans, and Stafford student loans (http://www.nextstudent.com/student-loans/student-loans.asp).

FAFSA Deadlines

The U.S. Department of Education will accept the FAFSA anytime between January 1 and June 30, but your state or school may set earlier deadlines. In fact, the FAFSA website encourages you to apply as soon as possible on or after January 1 to meet college and state aid deadlines.

Some schools, particularly those with a rolling-admissions program, may award their limited need-based grants, student loans (http://www.nextstudent.com/), and work-study financial aid awards on a first-come, first-served basis or have priority deadlines in place. So the earlier you get your FAFSA in, the more you may be able to maximize your federal financial aid award.

How to Get Started

1. Get a paper FAFSA application from your high school counselor or your financial aid office. Or download the online version from the FAFSA website at: fafsa.ed.gov.

2. Go to the FAFSA website and sign up for a PIN number at: pin.ed.gov/PINWebApp/pinindex.jsp. In order to submit your FAFSA online, youll need the PIN to electronically sign your FAFSA application. Youll also need the PIN to make corrections to your information online later, if you need to.

3. Get the documents you need and fill out your FAFSA. The FAFSA will ask you for your previous years tax info, as well as your parents tax info if youre a dependent student. If you or your parents havent received your W-2s or filed your taxes yet, keep going! The DOE allows you to estimate your income and tax information on the FAFSA and then correct it later if you need to. Submit your completed FAFSA by mail or online.

4. About 46 weeks later, you should receive a Student Aid Report in the mail summarizing your FAFSA info. Make corrections, if needed, and submit your SAR for reprocessing.

5. If your application is selected for verification, your financial aid office may ask you to submit tax returns or other documentation. To avoid delays in being awarded your federal grants and college loans (http://www.nextstudent.com/private_loans/private_loans.asp), make sure you meet your schools deadlines.

If youre a FAFSA newbie, getting through the application may seem overwhelming at first, but you can get free help from a number of sources: Set an appointment with your high school counselor, call your financial aid office, or contact the U.S. DOEs Office of Federal Student Aid online at: FederalStudentAid.ed.gov or by calling 1-800-433-3243.

Life After the FAFSA

If it turns out youre not eligible for need-based federal aid, you may be able to get the additional funds you need from nonneed-based federal college loans, like PLUS loans and unsubsidized Stafford loans.

If your education-related costs still exceed your available federal financial aid, both need-based and nonneed-based, you may be able to get the financial assistance you need from private student loans (http://www.nextstudent.com/private_loans/private_loans.asp) . Since federal student loans generally offer more attractive terms than private student loans, though, you should always look into your federal financing options first.

Learn more about Private Student Loans (http://www.nextstudent.com/) and Student Loan Consolidation (http://www.nextstudent.com/).

Rabu, 04 April 2018

Many Families Unaware of How The Government Can Help Them Financially

Many Families Unaware of How The Government Can Help Them Financially

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/populationpolicy-slideshare-150318102256-conversion-gate01/95/chapter-2-singapores-population-policy-80-638.jpg?cb=1426675321

In the current economic downturn increasingly more families are experiencing troubles making ends meet. The worse off are extremely close to poverty and need urgently to find some help. A lot of these troubled households are not aware of all the sources of possible additional income available to them. One avenue that many people in financial trouble overlook is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) which is overseen by the federal government.

Originally created in the mid seventies, the EITC program is now one of the main anti-poverty programs in the U.S. - and yet very few people know much about it or how it can help them. Every year, millions of available dollars in the program go unclaimed, even though thousands of families would qualify for the program if they knew of it. In fact, according to the IRS, many families could increase their net income by 30% by taking advantage of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

The Earned Income Tax Credit is a refundable federal income tax credit for low and moderate income working families. It was created primarily to reduce the amount of taxes paid by the working poor in an effort to help them to move towards income self-sufficiency. If a family qualifies, they could be eligible for a tax reduction as well as supplemental dollars.

The main criteria for qualifying is that the family's income must be "earned", hence the name of the program. You must be employed by a company and earn wages. In other words, if your income is based primarily on interest from investments, stock dividends, and so on, you probably do not qualify. Your qualification is also based on how many dependents you support. But, since the rules periodically change, it's best to check with a tax professional to determine if you currently qualify. Alternatively, their are websites that you can go to that contain calculators you can use to determine if you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit and, if so, how much.

There are additional rules as well. In fact, one of the main barriers to applying for the EITC is that through the years, the application process has become so byzantine and complex that thousands of families that do know about the program either don't try or give up in frustration after trying a few times.

But there are independent organizations out there that will help families to apply for an EITC. One such organization is the United Way. Many of their local offices will provide free tax preparation and access to the Earned Income Tax Credit and other tax credits to help working families increase their incomes and create savings.

The program is a win-win for many states as well. By taking advantage of the EITC, families are less likely to become homeless which would push the burden of caring for them to the states. In addition, the EITC helps to provide an economic stimulus to local communities. The Earned Income Tax Credit money that the homeowners receive is almost certain to be spent in the local stores, banks, restaurants, and so forth.

The EITC program can potentially be a life saver for many families that are barely surviving week to week. Even if you applied for it a year or two ago and were rejected, its worth trying again. Your circumstances may have drastically changed so that now you are eligible for the program.

Many Benefits Of Income From Internet

Many Benefits Of Income From Internet

Image source: http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/sites/default/files/4.3.1-figure1_0.png

Ways to earn additional income
Internet have evolved out to be the best medium to search and find any details. The evolution of internet has become a great blessing to mankind. Internet is a medium that has quite numerous advantages, one of the main advantage is that one can make income from internet. One can do such a job with all the comfort of the home and can make quite a quite amount of money. There are several web portals available who offer online jobs, one can easily register with them. Just browsing over internet one gets thousands of web portals that offer genuine online jobs.

Some of the popular online jobs and their nature of work

1. Online survey jobs: Online survey jobs are one the simple and popular online job. The nature of job is that one has to fill out simple internet surveys about certain services and products. This is quite a simple job, a person with quite a good knowledge about current details as well as a good command over English can easily carry out this job. Such a job never demands for experience,anyone can easily grasp the nature of work within a very short span of time period. One can easily make additional income by opting such online jobs. The most important thing to be noted is that one has to pay immense care while selecting a required online survey job provider.

2. Data entry jobs: Data entry is another popular online job which too have a good pay scale. One need to enter the data given into the database with the help of a keyboard. The qualities one must possess is to have a good typing speed as well as accuracy. This job does not require any technical knowledge over anything, speed and accuracy is the fact that matters. Usually the matter given is regarding medical information, financial or business services.
3. Online proof reading jobs: Online proof reading is another type of online income from home job. A person who have good command over English grammar can easily attain such types of jobs. In such a job one has to clear the grammatical and spelling errors created within a file document. A lot of web portals are offering online proof reading jobs, editing and correcting punctuations within eBooks etc. The required skills necessary to become a successful proof readers are: Good writing skills, grammatical knowledge etc.

Advantages of opting online jobs
Comfort: The most important advantage behind online jobs are that one can sit with all comforts of their home and can work. Being with all the comforts of your home is something which everyone adores and wishes for.
Expense: One can save quite a good amount by opting online jobs. Expense like food, travel, clothing's etc can be saved. Due to such an advantage the money which one gets can be completely saved without undergoing any stress. One will be paid fully for the efforts put by them.
Time: One can complete the work assigned to them at any time. There is no time limit for log in like traditional ongoing jobs.

Managing The Fear Of Loneliness

Managing The Fear Of Loneliness

Image source: http://www.regmedctr.org/webres/File/For%20the%20Health%20of%20It/Stress%20Management%20Tips.jpg

Sometime or another we will experience a time when we are alone. The first step is to become comfortable with yourself and having the self-confidence that you will be able to manage being alone. There is nothing wrong with being alone. If being alone bothers you then seeing a counselor can help you with these issues.

In the meantime, here is a short list of techniques that a person can use so that the fear of being alone doesn't become a major issue in their lives.

The first step is to find an activity that you enjoy and where you can meet a lot of people. For instance, joining a group activity such as a volleyball group, women's club, or making crafts can be a great way to meet people. Doing something that you like to do will make you happy and will increase your chances of making friends.

Spending time with animals can be a great source of companionship. Having a dog or cat can make us feel loved. If you don't own a dog or cat, then volunteer at the local animal shelter. Spending time with an animal or pet can help us to feel better and can be of good company to all of us whether we are alone or not.

Helping others through community service can be of some help. There are many people out there who could benefit from your time and talents. Helping others can give you a source of pride, help you feel better about yourself, and can provide long lasting friendships. Give it a try and you will be surprised.

Challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your lonely or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. For example, some people may think that if they are alone at the present time then they will always be alone. This is not true. Even if your alone today doesn't mean that you will be alone all the time. No one can predict the future with one hundred percent accuracy.

It isn't fun being alone, but sometimes there are worse things. For instance, imagine that you are married or stuck in a relationship that you can't get out of and also makes you miserable. Not only do you have to live with this person, there is no way to get out of the relationship because of various financial or personal reasons. As a result, you are stuck living with someone that you can't stand and makes you depressed every single day of your life. With this viewpoint, being alone doesn't sound that bad.

The important thing is to do something constructive. Sitting around and doing nothing will not make things any better whether it is dealing with the fear of being alone or something else. Go out and do something that you like to do. In addition, take it one day at a time and stay committed in trying to solve your problem.

Selasa, 03 April 2018

Lost Your Smartphone Apps And Methods To Find It Out!

Lost Your Smartphone Apps And Methods To Find It Out!

Image source: http://cdn.iphonehacks.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/find_my_iphone_lost_screen.jpg

Necessity is the mother of inventions. The Smartphone has replaced and rewritten age old ways of accessing several facilities. With digitization, everyone switched to Smartphone over featured phones. Side by side time has changed to put health care, education, banking, shopping, travel booking, food, personal diary and all peculiar information into a palm sized Smartphone being everyones personal assistance to bring off all our wishes within seconds. But have you ever thought- what will happen if you lost that Genie or it gets stolen? Your personal data, account details within the lost device may be misused.

Thanks to the app developers who proved their innovative skill sets to design such nimble-witted mobile apps to assist you finding mobile incase its lost or thieved. Here are some standard find my phone applications along with some quick fix methods to find your phone and keep all your data secured.

Android Device Manager

Android device manager, probably the best application over others Find my mobile apps is available in play store for free to download and install and compatible to all most all smart android devices. If you are an Android user, then this app must be there in your phone as prevention to the unexpected muddle. To enjoy its services, go to your phone setting > Google > Security >services > enable Remotely Locate This Device option. Now you are set to use the web app to locate the phone, make it ring or erase all data and find your mobile if incase you lost it.

Talking of its disadvantage- this application works with GPS enabled state only; hence make sure your phone GPS is on. But to avail its service, we can ignore this GPS fact as now it is available for android phones by default.

Family Locator

Family locator is a people locator application designed to let you keep in touch and track your family or friends location over Smartphone. Hence it is not that effective for device tracking but to a little extent it may help to discover your phone taking your last location as base. Moreover, you can manage to track the person nearer to the lost phones location with family locator coupled with other device locator apps.


Having unparalleled phone locator functionalities this anti-theft mobile app is worthy of a place in your Smartphone. Cerberus is designed very well by skilled mobile app developers and is quite a smart one at that. The user can hide the app from the app drawer making it invisible. In case you lost your phone, it allows you to access remotely either with cerberusapp.com or with client Cerberus app to lock your mobile or resetting your phone or make the phone ring or display a message on screen for the thief. Beside this, Cerberus can access the front camera to take pictures of the thief and make it easy for you to find your lost phone.

Prey Anti Theft

It is just the basic find my phone app with all the common features as in the Android device manager to reset your phone and make it ring and let you track the device location. As it is free to download and be a substitute to the android Device manger, it may work for you to find your lost device.

Traditional Methods

Unfortunately, if your phone is lost or stolen without having any of the find my phone apps, then you must try some classic methods to keep your personal data secured. As soon as you realize your phone is lost, try to call or message it to hear its ring or get some info. Dont delay to report loss of phone. Early reporting can cease your phone functionality by blacklisting your phones ESN or IMEI to make it hard for the thief to sell the hardware or play dirty with your social account. You must change all the banking and social media passwords immediately to keep your accounts secured to a great extent.

Looking for Two Wheeler Finance Options Here's Good News for You!

Looking for Two Wheeler Finance Options Here's Good News for You!

Image source: https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/wEwVHvTprA0CcfA_r.oCjw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9NzUyO2g9NTAxO2lsPXBsYW5l/http://media.zenfs.com/en_uk/News/TheJournal.ie/screen-shot-2015-12-06-at-3-23-56-p-m-1-752x501.png.cf.jpg

If you are reading this, then you are either extremely passionate about bikes and want to buy your dream one, or need a two wheeler for your commute convenience. In this age when loans can be availed as conveniently for homes as for personal emergency, two wheeler finance options are naturally not lagging behind. If you want to cherish the beautiful journey called life on a pair of smart wheels, opting for a loan can make your purchase process a breeze. With a bike loan, you dont need to shell out a one-time lump sum amount anymore, and can rather make the most out of a well-suited repayment scheme which is easy on your pocket.

Where to go for a bike loan?

Now, the good news is that, besides banks, many other financial institutions are also offering two wheeler finance choices which can be customized to suit your needs and budget. These entities usually offer competitive interest rates and processing fees, although a thorough comparison between two or more financial institutions may be essential. Other benefits you might get to enjoy are the assessment of loan eligibility, easy EMI calculations, flexible options for repayment, quick approval, and transparency. Special schemes, like a lower than usual rate of interest, may be offered during festive seasons.

Please bear in mind, that two wheeler loans can be both secured and unsecured in nature. As the name suggests, a secured loan would require you to pledge your property, gold or any other asset as collateral while obtaining the loan. So naturally, if you go for an unsecured loan, you might have to bear the brunt of a higher rate of interest. But if you have a good credit score, then the loan process will surely become easier for you. So if you are not eager to offer collateral, make sure you have a strong CIBIL score which is an indicator of your credit-worthiness.

What do you need for a two wheeler loan?

Formal or legal proofs of age, income and address are generally required by both banks and financial institutions before they can consider you for a loan. While salary slips can be provided by salaried individuals, businessmen or self-employed individuals must submit income tax returns. For identity proof, you can provide documents like voters ID, passport, driving license, ration card and such. Rental agreement, telephone, electricity or gas bill, property purchase agreement or sale deed can serve as address proof among many options. It is also important to be aware that documentation requirements, charges, and eligibility criteria may differ from one lender to another.

Good to know

Before going ahead with a bank or financial institution for your bike loan, it can be helpful to know in details about their various charges. So study and compare aspects like loan processing and documentation charges, pre-payment charges, late payment penalty, loan cancellation charges, cheque or ECS swapping charges, special NOC charges and so on.
Since almost all banks and financial entities enjoy online presence nowadays, personally peruse through the websites for detailed information. You might also be able to calculate possible EMI amounts, explore different bike options as per your budget, and get your doubts clarified.

Last word

Bringing your favorite two-wheeler home can be immensely satisfying and exciting. You get to rule the roads with style, reach from A to B, and relish a freedom of movement which is impossible with public transport. So if you have a reliable record as a debtor in the past, and have all the paperwork in place, nothing should stop you from riding your dreams!

Loan for People with Bad Credit - Brief Explanation

Loan for People with Bad Credit - Brief Explanation

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/db/96/28/db96289f3a6832481e03d03925fcae23.jpg

Tough financial and economic condition has forced a large number of individuals to suffer from the problem of bad credit and many big credit problems. These situations further create difficulties in front of the applicants willing to secure their required finance to continue leading their daily life in a normal way.

Bad credit may affect the individual chances associated with securing of loans, which include personal loans, mortgages and credit cards. However, the positive thing, in this case, is that individuals dealing with the problem of poor credit may apply for affordable bridging loans offered by reputed companies prevailing over the internet.

Bridging loan or bridging finance refers to short-term financial solutions, which intend to help people with an appropriate funding situation and bridge periods while they search for secured long-term funds.

Raising capital in this way becomes simple, easy and quick, while repayment terms for the bridging loans remain very less as of only 1 year or 12 months, but may extend based solely on the selected repayment plan by any applicant.

Being short term bridging loans and are able to arrange in no time, they usually come at a relatively higher cost as compared to any traditional loan, i.e. interest rates may go to only 2 percent in a month to add to the overall cost of the loan.

Ways to Obtain Bridging Loans

Before you should go to apply for bridging loans or any other similar types of financing options, you should make sure to consult with a professional and a qualified finance broker. This expert will understand the financial situation of a person in a much better way and thereby, help in finding the best solution available.

Here, you will find a dedicated financial broker dealing with cheap bridging loans, who will explain about the function of a bridging loan thoroughly and at the same time, provide the valuable pieces of information and procedures required to submit any loan application. Moreover, the broker evaluates each individual situation and makes sure that bridging is the appropriate option.

Furthermore, if any client has concerns related to his or her previous mortgage arrears in the credit history, he may even qualify as well as apply for a suitable non-status type of bridging loan. In case any applicant succeeds in meeting the minimum requirements, he may arrange the loan irrespective of the actual income status or the history associated with the respective credit history.

How Bridging Loans are Beneficial for Individuals?

Until now, cheap bridging loans have benefitted individuals in the following ways-

Quick Procedure - Speed involved in the completion of any bridging loan is relatively shorter than any remortgage or a second mortgage. In addition, the procedure contains a smooth transaction of two or three days, because of which it is helpful in bridging the short gap until you raise the capital.
Varying Reasons - Most of the banks do not lend any money to the business groups to cover any tax bill or mortgage to investors, who purchased any dilapidated type of property. Until and unless you justify about your loan repayment in an eminent way, your reason to get the loan remains arbitrary.
Flexibility in the Loan Repayment - Individuals will get a choice to pay back the respective cheap bridging loans amount either on the mentioned date or before a specified date until and unless the repayment period of the loan does not exceed 1 year or 12 months. In the same way, you may opt to draw the loan in different stages during this period.

Therefore, by choosing your bridging finance, you will expect to get the required amount even you are dealing with the problem of bad credit score.

Importance Of Professional Corporate Security Sydney

Importance Of Professional Corporate Security Sydney

Image source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/theimportanceofabusinesscoachinsydney-140923015001-phpapp01/95/the-importance-of-a-business-coach-in-sydney-1-638.jpg?cb=1411437024

Research indicates that Sydney, Australia is generally a safe city to live in with crime rate reported to be less than 40% for the year 2016. Nevertheless, one can never be too safe and that is why it is important to consider recruiting a corporate security service for your home and business. There are several professional security companies in Sydney who offer state of the art protection for both homes and offices. At Joss Services, our clients are assured of top of the range protection for their property, assets and staff.Security services are generally the same across the board but individual requirements might vary considerably across different regions and different clients.

The Impact Of Security Presence

Low threat environments like small offices, residential areas, shopping malls or entertainment areas usually do not require a high security presence. Security in these areas generally serve as a deterrent for any potential criminals and as a reassurance for dwellers and clients that their property and person is safe. Invest in a uniformed security service provider whose presence will be more effective than a plain clothed armed guard whose presence may not be felt or noticed. Clients and residents will feel more comfortable when they see a uniformed security guard at the entrance or surroundings of the premises.

On the other hand, high threat areas like financial institutions, consulates, jewelry stores and public transportation areas require heavy security presence. These types of security professionals are referred to as elite security and are generally highly trained in tactful control and protection of individuals and property. This is also the case for individuals living in high security threat areas or companies based in high crime areas. Invest in a well-trained and armed security team to keep your property and self well secured at all times.

Mobile Security Patrols

It is not always the case that security threats are stationery since some insecurity scenarios might involve suspects on the move. This is particularly the case for high foot or vehicle traffic areas like city streets, campus grounds, public parks and beaches as well as large residential properties. A mobile patrol service is necessary for areas deemed to be prone to suspects on the move. These security personnel are highly trained in the skill of pursuit and capture of mobile suspects. Some security firms will even employ the services of watch dogs and roving vehicles to ensure constant safety of the property and individuals.

Personal Body Guards

Security service providers take great care in training their personal security guards, also known as body guards, to ensure maximum protection of high profile clients. This service is especially used by high profile individuals including politicians, celebrities, top level managers, extremely wealthy individuals as well as high profile government officials. Personal body guards are trained to maintain the strictest confidence, finesse and precision when protecting their clients. These security personnel are so well trained and disciplined that they will put their lives on the line so as to keep their clients safe.

Senin, 02 April 2018

Lioncoin The Leader of New Generation of Digital Currencies

Lioncoin The Leader of New Generation of Digital Currencies

Image source: https://yalealumnimagazine.com/uploads/images/5900059/1429027443/Lincoln_1865_2461x3114_0_0_645.jpg

On November 1st ,2008, Bitcoin was born after a man who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto boldly proposing the Bitcoin model in the aftermath of the financial crisis. Nowadays, the acceptance level of Bitcoin is growing. On September 9th, 2014, eBay- American electric business tycoon,announced its payments arm Braintree began to accept Bitcoin as payment; The travel rental community Airbnb and the car rental service provider Uber also announced that they would begin to accept the virtual currency. In Beijing, a restaurant in Chaoyang Dayuecheng also introduced the Bitcoin payment service, so that consumers can pay by transferring a certain amount of bitcoins to the store's account after they have finished their meal. It's like bank transfers. The restaurant settled a meal worth RMB650 with 0.13 bitcoins.
The age of digital currency, led by Bitcoin, has crept in. Even if people have not really felt bitcoin trading, they have heard of Bitcoin's name and the windfall of its investment. Many investors look forward to having Bitcoin. However, the total amount of bitcoins is capped, and its supply is far less than demand. As the mining of bitcoin becomes more and more difficult, the market begins to see a variety of other digital currencies such as Litecoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum which are similar with Bitcoin. How to choose one of the currencies for investment has become a new problem for investors.

In the face of the endless digital currencies, the editor contrasted several digital currencies that are about to be issued at present, and found that we may wish to focus on a new generation cryptocurrency -lion chain, which combines the advantages of a variety of digital currencies.

Lioncoin (LNC) was born in June 2017, and is the 6th generation cryptocurrency developed successfully by Alpha Blockchain Labs after three-year research and development in the United States. The organization is made up of core members of R & D teams of Litecoin, Ethereum and Ripple, as well as professors and experts from many universities, so its technical strength is beyond doubt. It is this technical team that ensures that LNC can absorb the advantages of different types of digital currencies and give up their current shortcomings. The FCA and FINRA dual digital encryption licenses were obtained in 2017. After more than half a year of initial mining and certification, LNC will be officially launched on February 2018 to the global market.

Comparing to other currencies, LNC has a leading technology. NC is based on the most advanced mixed block chain technology, takes the optimized Scrypt algorithm as the core, and adopts the most innovative "POW+TPOS+POSL" consensus mechanism. The intelligent contract system of LNCAI is constructed in a groundbreaking way. The system is based on P2P protocol + intelligent contract open protocol cycle system, and can achieve the registration, confirmation, transformation, exchange, betting, circulation and other more complex interactive operations of a variety of digital assets.

It is worth mentioning that the application layer, the contract layer, the logic layer, the data layer and the security layer are used in the LNC, and have their own proprietary tasks. The application layer provides the user with a multi-terminal-friendly application interface, which is convenient for the user to manage the assets. The contract layer adopts the joint venture contract and the joint control contract to issue and manage the assets; The logic layer is the core of the algorithm. The data layer uses the distributed ledger + distributed computing technology to realize the detailed record of the assets issue, consumption, exchange and so on, which makes the digital currencies more transparent, compatible, traceable and no fault-tolerance. The security layer uses the military-level security defense algorithm to protect the digital assets of users.

LNC players can generate blocks by contributing computing power to the community or by promoting others to contributing computing power to the community. For each block they generate, they will be rewarded with newly created LNCs, while players can participant fair over-the-counter trading, to maintain and increase the value of wealth. At the same time, players can consume offline and online on the global commodity free trade platform which is developed by LNC independently and franchisees , realizing the contextualization actual use of LNC .

With the total amount of 99 million, the LNC has a much larger numerical advantage than 21 million bitcoins. Users can use LNCs to pay, accept and store any currencies. Besides legal tenders such as Dollar, Ruble, Euro, RMB, and virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, LNC also can be exchanged with indirect currencies such as gold, silver and valuable financial derivatives. From this we can see that Lioncoin is more comprehensive than the current popular bitcoin.

About the LNC's future, Alpha Blockchain Labs team will focus on the future of LNC by focusing on business applications and living expenses. The team will create a global free trade ecosystem by docking to all kinds of businesses of shelter and food as well as cakes and ale, so that LNC players can go to all parts of the world to pay for consumption, promoting the value of LNC in circulation.

Media contact
Company Name: Alpha Blockchain Labs
Contact Person: Justin Gardner
Tele: +1-320-402-2880
E-mail: ilioncoin@gmail.com
Website: http://www.lnc.io

Importance of Executive Secretary Training

Importance of Executive Secretary Training

Image source: http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/ui_frontend/thumbnail/684/0/whistleblower-ousted-from-executive-secretary-role-20131116_img-1.jpg

Some people may regard the secretary as an individual in a company, who may not require any particular sort of training. Contrary to this belief, a secretary forms an integral part of the workforce of the company, which means she needs to have certain types of skills, in order to manage the flow of the work in the office. It is a secretary, who forms a communication between the head of the office and the other employees. In this sense, executive secretary training is essential for people. Luckily, for people, even if you do not have a high amount of skills, you may acquire them through different training programs. Courses Executive Assistant is readily available all around the world, even online!

Secretaries perform all sorts of clerical and organizational tasks. They are responsible for meeting clients, organizing meetings, making appointments, preparing reports and attend different meetings. In such cases, minute taking courses may also become essential. They ensure that everything in the organization works in the best possible way and in the most efficient manner. In all these cases, executive secretary training remains imperative for people, of all different educational backgrounds to reach to a certain level. Many offices prefer secretaries who at least gone to college and can speak fluently in the mother tongue of the country, as well as the International language, which is English. In this way, communication with other clients becomes easy. Executive secretary training ensures that individuals perform well in their day-to-day routine tasks and that they have the skills necessary to make the office work go smoothly.

Even for people, who have been working as secretaries for a long time, executive secretary training programs help in their career development, especially courses executive assistant, which are useful for acquiring certain skills in a short span of time. In Executive administration, such courses work efficiently and effectively to increase the productivity of the working force. These skills may include public speaking, making professional presentations, wearing proper presentable clothes and managing projects. Executive secretary training also includes the teaching of different management processes, in order to equip individuals to excel at their job. For people, who have full time jobs, online courses executive assistant work effectively? This is because timings are more flexible in line executive training courses.

Moreover, minute taking courses are also important. These courses allow you to record the events of the meetings in the fastest manner possible and with the most accuracy. After all, practice is the key and these minute taking courses allow you to practice more. You may also take such courses online. Minute taking records the events of the meetings, the number of people who attended the meeting and the names of the people who attended among other things. Minutes of the meeting help in future reference; therefore, they are very important. In fact, this is one of the basic skills required from a secretary. Hence, people need to go through courses executive assistant to acquire the skills they need for their work! The better you work, the better the chances for growth and prospects!

Learn Industry Best Practices With Sap Simple Finance Training Course

Learn Industry Best Practices With Sap Simple Finance Training Course

Image source: http://freelearninglibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/SAP-Simple-Finance-Op1511-Fps01.png

SAP simple finance is an new ERP solution built on SAP HANA which given the scope of improved analytics at different levels across a range of financial dimension.SAP simple finance deals with organizations finance application enabling fundamental re-engineering and simplification of financial process.

SAP simple finance is a comprehensive solution which can be developed on cloud or on premise it is easy to use and can obtain incredible results. Become an expert in developing solutions for finance with the use of SAP by training at Learn IT Training which is a unique platform for SAP training coures.SAP simple finance training course gives candidates a combination of instructor led live class and hands on experience. Our training enhances capabilities to perform specific roles. Our customized curriculum helps students to develop Performance tuning tips and tricks to implement simple finance applications and brings outcomes faster. Training is given by experienced & Certified IT Professionals.

With SAP simple finance online training you will explore the various applications that it offers. Right from planning, consolidation, accounting and compliance, you will learn hosts of things about the new solution. Consequently, you will learn-
Removal of redundancy
In-memory technology as well as SAP HANA
Ways of reporting flexibly
Ageing of data
Non-disruptive innovation
Universal journals
SAP Fiori
Applications of the SAP simple finance
Ways of predictive analysis.

After completion of SAP simple finance online course you will be assigned to real time project .This project will be reviewed for full feedback, following which you will be judged on your performance. You will get grades along with being awarded the certificate.

Current situation of SAP Simple finance

' The technical software components of SAP Simple Finance have successfully passed ramp-up with high productivity.
' The software has been released for all Industries with the exception of Joint Venture Accounting for Oil & Gas and Mining.
SAP Simple Finance Training course is well-structured to make you the expert in developing finance solutions using SAP Simple Finance platform. With SAP Finance training, you can create a general view of all financial and operational data, provide flexible, easily consumable reporting as well as automate processes

SAP simple finance is a comprehensive solution which can be developed on cloud or on premise it is easy to use and can obtain incredible results. Become an expert in developing solutions for finance with the use of SAP by training at Learn IT Training which is a unique platform for SAP training coures.SAP simple finance training course gives candidates a combination of instructor led live class and hands on experience. Our training enhances capabilities to perform specific roles. Our customized curriculum helps students to develop Performance tuning tips and tricks to implement simple finance applications and brings outcomes faster. Training is given by experienced & Certified IT Professionals.

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Impact Of Gst On Smes

Impact Of Gst On Smes

Image source: https://www.zoho.com/books/guides/images/gst/impact-of-GST-on-SMEs.png

GST was launched a few days back, and this very tax reform of India has been a hot topic of discussion among Indians right from the time when the news of GSTs launch news broke out. For sure the section of people appreciating Modis government for their recent achievements (not for everyone) by governments side on GST topic, but one cannot neglect the fact that there is a good section of Indian population who isnt in GSTs support. Well for, sure everything has its pros and cons and so does Goods and Services Tax, but one cannot discard GST just because of its shortcomings. It is important to take the advantages that GST can offer to Indian population in the long run. In this article, we will reflect upon the things SMEs should know about how to use GST to manage their working capital.

Well, one of the sections that are surely disappointed by GST implementation is none other than the Small and Medium Enterprises. One shouldnt forget that SMEs or Small and Medium Enterprises have been one of the primary growth drivers of this very country. They have been supporting Indian economy for decades. As a developing country, it is important to take into account the impact that this tax reform can have on SMEs. Around three million Small and Medium Enterprises of India contributes around 50% of industrial output and 43% of total export of India. Well, you can guess the employment that this sector generates. SMEs are the one that has offered India keep balanced development across all sectors.

Earlier all the SMEs or manufacturers with a turnover of fewer than 1.5 crores werent required to follow the rules of excise duty. However, after GST tax reform manufacturer with 20 lakhs turnover will have to comply with GST and GSTs procedures. Now, let us discuss how will GST impact Small and Medium Enterprises.

Changes brought on by GST on SMEs in India

We will be discussing the positive and negatives of GST in points:

The requirement of online registration of SMEs will ensure minimal interference from the bureaucracy and in addition to that SMEs will get a certificate of registration in no time. However, one should know that most of the SMEs do not have the technical expertise to carry out the required task online and thus they will need outside help which will eventually increase the registration cost.

The need for electronic compliance has positive aspect as it will bring transparency and will also result in the reduction of the compliance cost. Since all the fund reports will be maintained in electronic credit ledger by the tax department, this may lead to liquidity crunch.

Electronic refund process easily fastens the whole process. One can claim for refunds only after filling relevant returns.

After detailed speculations and impact of GST on SMEs, it can be said that the final verdict via the business owners will be of mixed opinions. The acceptance of GST reforms will vary from state to state and has surely opened a debate whether it will be beneficial for the country and how it will affect the economic growth of India. There are obvious benefits of GST which till now supports the decision of bringing this tax reform to life.

Impact Of Companys Quarter Result on Stock Price

Impact Of Companys Quarter Result on Stock Price

Image source: http://www.livemint.com/r/LiveMint/Period1/2013/04/11/Photos/w-reality.jpg

Quarter results of all listed companies are released as per SEBI guidelines. Due to which a very rapid fluctuation in stock prices can be seen. Sometimes a minor jump in sales figures drive the stocks in green and several times stocks fall after increasing in sales number also. Its almost impossible to analyze the quarterly result in one go just after seeing the flash of news on TV.
There are certain key things which can be analyzed in quarterly result:
Gross Sales: Its basically a number of total sales figure.
Net Sales: From gross sales, one can derive net sales by deducting sales return, sales allowances, and sales discount from gross sales.
Operating expenses: To run a business there is a minimum base requirement of capital to operate. Basically, this is the cost of running a business. Salaries of employees, electricity, legal fees, and business license are some of the examples of operating expenses.
Operating Profit: When operating expenses are deducted from net sales we get the operating profit or Earnings before interest tax depreciation and amortization (EBITDA).
Net Profit or net income: In the income statement we can find details about tax and loan repayment which when deducted from operating profits gives us the net profit.
Apart from above-mentioned key points, there are several more things which can be analyzed by studying quarterly result of a company. All these key parameters are basically viewed and analyzed under the branch of fundamental analysis and in a long run, all these key numbers will be reflected in share price.
On a view to judging the quarterly result for the trading purpose, one has to speculate the market price and one has to focus on only one thing expectation. It is a wrong sentiment that profit means price hike and a loss means price drop. There is no any thumb rule like this but if a market is expecting a profit of 100 of Xyz Company compare to a previous quarter number of 200. In this case, profit is going to be declined but if the expectation is of 100 and result came of 150 although it is reduced compared to a previous quarter number it is more than the expectation so the market will react accordingly.
It just depends on the individual that how one looks at the quarter result either for a long-term view or a short-term view, one is speculating the price or depending on fundamental aspects. But one thing is certain that either it takes a time of week month or years the impact of a result will be reflected in share price.

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Minggu, 01 April 2018

Immigration To CanadaCanadian Citizenship VisaGlobal Tree

Immigration To CanadaCanadian Citizenship VisaGlobal Tree

Image source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/78/Population_Canada_ver_4.png

Changes to Canada Immigration act expected to benefit people with disabilities

Seeking for Canada Immigration

According to the Immigration Minister for Canada, Ahmed Hussen, the Immigration Office in Canada is contemplating the removal of a portion of the immigration act of Canada. The provision of the immigration act, which is termed as 38-1C has been criticized widely for its discrimination against people with disabilities or chronic medical conditions when seeking Immigration to Canada. Under the provision any person who is interested in immigration to Canada can be denied entry on the grounds of being medically unfit to enter if they are expected to place a burden on the public health and social service system of the countrys economy.

The medical inadmissibility clause in Canadas Immigration act

According to the minister, the provision has been requiring a review for long and did not stand well with Canadas stated values on inclusiveness and welcome to people from all backgrounds. Many critics have also called the provision of medical inadmissibility as unjust as it discriminates against people with disabilities and is instrumental in tearing families apart. What this clause in the immigration act means is that if a person who is selected for Immigration To Canada and is eligible for permanent residence in the country can still be denied entry if he has been found to suffer from a disability or ailment which is expected to place a financial burden beyond a set threshold on the social service system of the country. Also under the clause, family members of permanent residents too could be denied entry if they are unable to pass the medical fitness requirement.
According to the Immigration Minister for Canada, Ahmed Hussen, the Immigration Office in Canada is contemplating the removal of a portion of the immigration act of Canada. The provision of the immigration act, which is termed as 38-1C has been criticized widely for its discrimination against people with disabilities or chronic medical conditions when seeking Immigration to Canada. Under the provision any person who is interested in immigration to Canada can be denied entry on the grounds of being medically unfit to enter if they are expected to place a burden on the public health and social service system of the countrys economy.

The agreement has outlined the Immigration priorities as well as the roles and responsibilities that would be shared between the two authorities. The agreement demonstrates the commitment of the federal government of Canada and the government of Ontario towards co-operating with each other towards is demonstrating a commitment to cooperation towards maximizing the social, economic and cultural benefits that immigration would bring to the province of Ontario. The Ministers in their statement also announced the introduction of a joint effort between the immigration authorities to enable Skilled new Immigrants, who arrive from different parts of the world to integrate with the requirements of the province and to be able to discharge their duties efficiently in their chosen profession. Towards this end a proposal has been put forward for an investment of as much as 91 million CAD which is expected to be spent on training programs that would help the new immigrants over the next three years, of which 70 million CAD would come from Ontario and 21 million CAD from the Canadian immigration authority, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. The investment is expected to ensure that immigrants obtain the required training for meeting the provincial requirements for working in their requirements.

How to Write Post-Apocalyptic Books

How to Write Post-Apocalyptic Books

Image source: http://www.jacksondeanchase.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Post-Apocalypse-WPB1-300dpi-600x800.jpg

Apocalyptic literature is a sub-genre of science fiction concerned with the end of world either through plague, nuclear war, or some other tragic disaster. Post-apocalyptic books are set in a civilization after such a calamity. The time frame can be immediately after the disaster, focusing on the psychology of survivors or considerably later, normally including the theme that the existence of pre-disaster world has been forgotten.

You start with the main character that has either lost everything and everyone they care about, or a character that will soon lose everything and everyone they cared about. This character needs a few basic skills that will make it logical for him or her to have survived while every other person died. They may be immune to Viruses, are Special Opts or an Ex-Seal, have a bunker with several years of food and water-just in case, are living out in the middle of nowhere and do not even know the civilization has ended-yet, or has an excellent leadership skill that will allow him or her to Take Charge.

You then focus on the protagonist and follow them around as they are fighting off evil hordes, search for water, food and shelter, met the occasional good character, protect the handful of survivors that they have decided to protect, and perhaps try to rebuild the civilization.

As a general rule you should be vague about what caused the end of the civilization.

How the civilization ends does not really matter, just that the civilization as we know it ends. Because most of the readers are pretty fond of the civilization, putting an end to the story is a very emotional experience. Even worst post-apocalyptic books usually get this part right. The hero wanders around, wearing rags and starving. He walks into grocery stores, only to find the store empty or filled with decomposing food. He goes to a clothing store, only to find the outfits ruined by weather and time. He looks at empty farm lands, only to realize that the fields have gone feral and he does not know how to plant, or how he can defend the farm from them.

The hero in post-apocalyptic books will virtually always be on some kind of mission. Whether this is an actual mission given to him by super powers like in Dream Caster or it is a pointless waste of time mission like The Boy and The Man heading for the coast in 'The Road.' Give the characters something to do apart from sitting around and waiting for the end.

There are 2 main choices here, let the character go in search of something like other people, food, Sanctuary or create a stronghold and destroy the evil things left roaming the world like it is in 'The Last Man On Earth'.

In post-apocalyptic books what matters in the stories is that the heroes face a new civilization unlike the old civilization. The readers share the end of their civilization with them. Readers mourn the loss of fast food, family, cars, new clothes, clean water, and so on so forth. The readers face the prospect that their hero might have to kill a person to survive and they can ponder what all that means and what they would do in a similar situation.

How to Write a Proposal for a Non-Profit Organization

How to Write a Proposal for a Non-Profit Organization

Image source: https://images.sampletemplates.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/22163314/Nonprofit-Event-Proposal-Template%EF%BB%BF.jpg

It's hard enough when times are good to get people to fund non-profit projects. When times are tough, deserving organizations have to compete for fewer and fewer resources. People who typically fund non-profits are stretched to their limits, and you need to put together a solid presentation to get their support.

You probably know your organization inside and out, but you might be new to proposal writing. Don't panic. Creating a non-profit business proposal might seem like a daunting task, but there are ways to make your job easier. Plenty of resources exist that will show you how to introduce yourself, highlight your organization, outline your needs, and help donors and supporters understand that you and your cause are worthy of support. Here's the key: you don't have to start by staring a blank computer screen. Using a product that includes pre-written topics and similar sample proposals can help you efficiently create your own winning proposal.

It doesn't matter if you are involved in retraining, education, helping the homeless, providing shelter, saving the environment, improving medical access, recruiting volunteers, or gathering goods for the holidays. The general structure of a non-profit proposal is the same.

New proposal writers sometimes make the mistake of talking too much about themselves and not focusing on the company or organization they are asking for support from. Don't do that. Simply asking for funding or talking about your organization is only part of the challenge. You write a non-profit proposal to persuade another party to give you their money or material support. This means you must gain the trust of the decision makers and convince them that you can effectively deliver the goods and services to those that need them.

In today's competitive environment, you may also have to do more than just show you have a worthy cause. While there are foundations and companies that will provide support and funding without strings attached or expectations of anything in return, you may have to think of asking for support or funding in terms of a potential marketing avenue for the donor. Your proposal will be more persuasive when you can outline all of the benefits you can provide to the supporting organization.

So you would benefit from including topics such as your Constituency, Market and Audience, Demographics, and so on. Combine these with a Marketing Plan and list of Benefits to show how the funding company would benefit from supporting your cause. Use topics such as Social Responsibility and Philanthropy to explain how supporting your organization will raise the visibility of the company in the community and show them in a positive light. You not only want to highlight your organization and what you have to offer, but also describe how beneficial the association of the two parties would be to the funding company.

As a general rule to prepare for writing your non-profit proposal, your first step should be to do research and gather information about the potential funding company so that you can present a proposal that is tailored to that funder. Yes, that might take some extra work, but the effort will pay off by making your proposal more likely to be accepted. You don't win in a competitive market by doing things half-way. Established organizations that provide funding usually have an established culture, strategy, and rules for accepting or rejecting requests. If you understand how those organizations operate and the types of projects they typically support, you can tailor your request accordingly.

After you've gathered information about your prospective funder, writing the proposal should be a reasonably straightforward process. That's because most proposals seeking funding or support follow a similar structure: an introduction, then a summary of the needs that are not currently being met which you are addressing, followed by descriptions of the services you will provide or the project you are proposing, as well as details and costs. Next, provide information to help the funder understand how their organization would benefit from supporting your cause. Explain the benefits you can provide to them in exchange for their support. Finally, the proposal should conclude with information about your organization, such as History, relevant Experience, Credentials, and Capabilities, Vision, Mission Statement, and so on.

The introduction section is usually only a Cover Letter and a Title Page. The Cover Letter should deliver a personal introduction, provide your organization's contact information, and state your request. The Title Page is just what it sounds like: a name for your proposal that indicates the project or scope of services you will provide. Some examples might be "Northridge Community Center Needs 100 Bed Expansion," "South Sound Wildlife Refuge Needs Cleanup Volunteers," "HIV Awareness Tour," or "Healthy Moms, Healthy Children."

Next, add topic pages to show the issues faced by the cause you support. Describe the financial and political support that you need and explain your goals. In this section, you would add pages with titles like Executive Summary, Needs Assessment, Goals and Objectives, Implementation Plan, Project Background, and so on.

After your cause is covered, add topic pages to show that you understand the organization you are requesting support or funding from. This is where you would outline what they would receive for supporting you: the pages here would have titles like Benefits, Philanthropy, Marketing Plan, and Social Responsibility.

After the sections describing the needs and showing the benefits to the funder comes your turn to talk about what you can do. Include topics like Project Management, Project Methods, and Personnel. The final section should be all about generating trust in your organization. This is where you will put topics describing your organization, such as Evaluation, Resources, Sources of Funds, Use of Funds, Sustainability, Future Potential, Supporters, Partnerships, Mission Statement, Tax Status, Legal Structure, Credentials, Capabilities, Programs and Activities, Awards and Achievements and so on. In other words, include everything you need to convince the funder that you can be trusted to deliver on your promises, that you have the resources to deliver, and (if needed) that you have a plan for the longevity of the program. Conclude your proposal with a call to action. You can use the Funding Request template to specifically ask for the funding, request other support such as Volunteering, or ask to schedule a meetin for further discussion.

After you have all the information written for your proposal, it's time to focus on making your proposal visually appealing by adding color and graphics. Incorporate your company logo and use a matching title page cover. Consider colored page borders and or adding custom bullet points and fonts that match your business style.

Once you feel your proposal information and formatting is complete, carefully proofread and spell-check all the pages. You should have someone who is unfamiliar with your proposal proof it as well, because it's very common to miss mistakes in your own work.

Finally, save your proposal as a PDF file or print it and then deliver it to the potential funder. The best delivery method will depend on your organization and your relationship with the funder. You might want to email a PDF file to your potential funder, but keep in mind that a printed and hand-delivered proposal might prove that you value the relationship enough to make a personal effort.

As you can see, a non-profit proposal will vary in details for each organization and project. But it's nice to know that non-profit proposals follow a similar format and structure, and you can find all the topic pages you need in a proposal kit. A kit of templates contains explanations of the information that particular proposal pages should contain, and they will guide you in writing and formatting your proposal sections. To further help you out, a proposal kit also contains a wide variety of sample non-profit proposals. Perusing these will spark your creativity and help you quickly craft your own winning nonprofit proposal.

Network Marketing Is the Secret Ingredient of Multi-Level Marketing

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fd/92/8f/fd928ff1662a5abecafc950619e1ed50.jpg What is network marketing? Network...